What to bring
Up to date Vaccination Certificate (first time)
Named dog blanket (first time)
Own food (only if on special diet)
Medication (if required)
All dogs must be on leads when they arrive and depart please.
We prefer all dogs to wear collars while they are here and name tags if possible.
You do not need to bring food bowls or water bowls.
Your dog must have had vaccinations within the last 12 months, but not less than 7 days before admission, for the following:
DHP - Distemper, Hepatitis, Parvovirus
Kennel Cough Complex - (3 days before admission)
Leptospirosis - Optional
New Dogs
Please check with your veterinary practice if your dog has definitely had the kennel cough vaccination, as this is often not given with annual vaccinations unless specified. If in doubt ring your vet clinic for confirmation.

Main food supplied is Royal Canin Dog Biscuits, we also give a small amount of quality wet food which is mixed with the dog biscuits for the evening meal.
It is much easier for us to feed our own biscuits. If you think your dog will be fine on our Royal Canin biscuits please don’t bring yours. Also your dog may enjoy a little change anyway.
Dogs are fed twice a day.
Special Diets
We are able to feed dogs with food provided if you prefer. This does not alter the price per day. Please only bring the approximate amount needed for your dogs stay and in a named, sealed container rather than a bag if possible.
Raw Food
Please name all bags and containers. Also please provide a named defrosting container with amounts for feeding noted.
We are able to administer medication including pills, liquids and injections.
Please ensure any medication is labeled with dogs name and amounts of medication needed.
Please provide any information to us of things we need to be aware of or concerned about.
We are lucky to have a local professional groomer Karen from Adorable Dogs who lives close by. If you would like your dog groomed while staying with us or before pickup we can try for an appointment.
Current price is
Full groom $70
Wash and Blow Dry $45
including pick-up and return to petite paws.
Dogs are let out at 8.00am till 12.00pm with access to inside and outside. Toys, couches and day beds are provided.
Sleep time
Dogs are fed lunch and sleep 12.00pm till 3.45pm.
Dogs are let out at 3.45pm till 6.00pm in the winter and 6.30pm in the summer. Playtime includes a paddock run, pool on hot days and ball throwing.
Dogs are fed and put to bed at 6.00pm in the winter and 6.30pm in the summer. A treat is given after dinner then its goodnight for all the tired puppies!

Dogs first stay You may provide their own - named - bed or blanket.
We provide all beds and blankets and prefer to use our own.
But if it is your dogs first stay you may provide their own bed or blanket if you think they will need them to help settle.
We have plenty of lovely comfy beds and warm blankets that are washed after each stay.
Payment Info
Payment is on pick up.
We accept cash or eftpos but do not take credit cards or deposit unless this is done and showing before pick up.
If someone else other than family is picking up your dog for you please inform us and make sure the person is able to pay for your dogs stay thank you.